My talks via Zoom                                                                      Why not book one of my Zoom talks?  You can then forward the Zoom link I provide to you with your members, friends and family - and propective members - up to 100 devices - Zoom talks are ideal for a winter-time event when travel is limited or if you are unable to access your usual venue.

My Zoom talks enable your members to view and hear one of my talks live in the comfort and safety of their own homes on their PCs, laptops, I-Pads, mobile phones etc.

I have my own account to use so you can sit back and relax. .

I would e-mail you/the secretary the Invitation Link for you to forward to your members at your convenience (to preserve data protection). 

The members simply click on the link at the allotted time on the event to 'enter' the meeting.  (There is no need for the members to download - they just use the link in the e-mail to enter the meeting). 

They will see the presentation slides - see me giving the talk - can ask me questions -and they can also see and hear other.  Plus you are welcome to talk to each other before and after the talk - give notices etc. - it all adds to the pleasure of the event. 

I will gladly set up a ten-minute Zoom meeting with you (and your committee?) - so I can demonstrate how well it will work for your group - just ask.


E-mail me or telephone to discuss arranging this easy-to-use facility:  or  07900 637171   


Testimonials about my talks


The Barton Society - in the USA - In September I was delighted to give a talk in the USA - using Zoom - to present my 'Elizabeth Barton - the Maid of Kent' talk to the USA Barton Society.  The chairman described the talk as "awesome!".

I provided the talk at 6.30pm in the UK so that it could be heard by members of the Barton Society right across the time zones of the USA - from 10am in Seatle onwards 


Shepherdswell WI: 'Thank you so much for the talk and for your help guiding our members with the on-line technology. It was great to see everyone saying hello to each other at the beginning and for them to see how well an on-line meeting can work. The talk was brilliant and I'm sure it made a nice change, in the current climate, for our members to watch something other than TV from the comfort of their own home.                                                                                                                                        Oxfordshire WI were entertained with my 'Life and Times of Edith Cavell' talk via Zoom in May and responded:  "Everyone so enjoyed your talk this afternoon – it was absolutely fascinating and we all learnt so much.  It is lovely to be able to sit back and have information and facts delivered so eloquently - a real treat."  In July I was invited back - "Thank you so much for another wonderful talk.  The story of 'Eva Braun - Victim or Contriver?' was just so fascinating and told so well by you – very much enjoyed by the audience.  We've received lovely e-mails and comments."  


Harpenden U3A - the oldest U3A in the UK  

We were extremely nervous as it was our first Zoom meeting for members and it was to include the AGM. As the stand-in Chair for the meeting I was very worried about how  the technical side of things would go but right from the start you gave me such confidence as everything worked smoothly and I realised I didn't need to worry. And then I found your talk, 'Bruges - it's more than just chocolate' was so interesting that we arrived at the AGM before I knew it.  The AGM did indeed go very well - we had a quorum and now I am Chairman (how did that happen?!?) - but I'm honoured.


Further ideas for on-line talks: 

In July I was honoured to be invited to undertake my first telephone talk via the Macular Society telephone conference support facility.  It was fascinating to do and well received.